Relief for your Aching Feet – Right from Home

Having a daily schedule in which you need to be on your feet constantly can result in a dull ache at day’s end. The soreness does not need to haunt you when you are trying to enjoy a relaxing moment.  Try these home remedies to reduce pain and bring some much needed pampering to your tired feet.

Soaking: Letting your feet rest in a basin of warm water provides soothing relief to your aching muscles. Start with a container of cold water and slowly add warm water to it. It is important to add the warm water gradually as doing it too quickly can burn your skin. For an even more luxurious experience, try adding a few drops of peppermint or rosemary oil.

Foot Rub: This can be a wonderful way to loosen up tense muscles after a long day on your feet. Purchase a specialty roller created to target the areas in your foot that are typically suffering the most and roll your foot over it. If you don’t have this particular item, try a tennis ball or a golf ball. Gently roll the bottom of your foot over the top of the ball for a few minutes before switching to the other foot.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: Taking ibuprofen, may help take the edge off of your pain.  Make sure to take the appropriate dosage as instructed on the package or consult with your physician.

Keep in mind that in addition to things that can be done to ease the pain, you have several options to prevent it. Dr. Stavros Alexopoulos advises his Chicago area patients to invest in a pair of custom orthotics. These will properly support your foot and offer more comfort for your feet throughout your daily activities. Another way to prevent this ache is to engage in foot stretches and exercises to strengthen your feet. Doing so will keep your feet from rolling inward as you walk, which often causes pain.

If you continue to experience aching feet and are not able to find relief, or if your pain feels more intense than usual, contact Dr. Alexopoulos today for help. He will be able to perform an evaluation to determine what the problem is before prescribing the best possible treatment for you. Call our office at (773) 561-8100 or request an appointment online.

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