Make Foot Health Your Resolution for 2020

It’s the time of year when many of us are taking stock, contemplating what we’d like to change – or perhaps attract more of – in the coming 12 months. What about you? Have you made some new year’s resolutions, perhaps to create some of the good habits that increase health and wellness? Have you included your feet and ankles on that list? Here are three suggestions from Dr. Stavros O. Alexopoulos that can help you stand, walk, and exercise free from pain and discomfort in 2020:

  1. Pay attention to your toenails. Note changes in color and texture, which can indicate fungal infection. If you prefer to trim toenails at home, be sure to trim straight across and to use a clipper made specifically for the job, rather than a scissors. Smooth any rough edges with an emery board. Do you enjoy a spa pedicure? Be sure that your provider observes excellent hygiene practices, including the use of instrument sterilizers and disposable bowl liners. Never allow your nail tech to use a razor or grater to remove a callus. This can cause small nicks or cuts that result in infections.
  2. Are you living with arthritis or another condition that causes foot or ankle discomfort? Talk to your podiatrist. Treatment options ranging from medication to custom orthotics and (only when absolutely necessary), surgical intervention can help.
  3. Do your feet hurt when you get out of bed in the morning? Is the pain centered at the heel? This might be a sign of plantar fasciitis, a common chronic irritation of the soft tissue at the sole of the foot. Relief is available. Your podiatrist is the best-qualified medical professional to diagnose and treat your discomfort.

The very best thing you can do to take a step toward great foot and ankle health in the new year is to schedule a visit with a board-certified podiatrist like Stavros O. Alexopoulos, DPM. Your foot doctor has undergone years of specialized education, including a hospital residency, and is an expert in caring for this part of your body. Call the My Chicago Foot Expert staff at (773) 561-8100 or click here to get started today.

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