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8 Common Foot Problems Caused by Ill-Fitting Shoes


Your feet are one of the most vital components of your body. They allow freedom of mobility and aid in maintaining your health as they enable you to exert and move around. Most people don’t give their feet much thought and take them for granted. When this becomes a habit, a cascade of problems can follow.

A healthy body starts with healthy feet. Footwear plays a significant role in supporting and maintaining good foot health. Here is a list of issues that you might suffer from if you do not use footwear wisely.

  • Athlete’s Foot

Feet are frequently affected by Athlete’s foot – an infection brought on by fungus that prefers warm, dark, wet settings. It might irritate the skin and result in a rash that is white and scaly. If left untreated, it can spread and become worse.

  • Hammertoes

This condition occurs when toes are bent in the center of the toe joint, crossed, or just pointed in an unusual direction. Hammertoes are often caused by ill-fitting shoes, especially ones that cram your toes.

  • Blisters

Blisters are brought on by friction and contact between your foot’s skin and the shoe. Usually, tight-fitted shoes result in painful blisters.

  • Bunions

A bony growth on the side of the big toe joint is known as a bunion. The big toe turns inward as a result and exerts pressure on the remaining toes. This condition develops when there isn’t enough toe box space in the shoes to accommodate the toes. High heels are also known to aggravate this condition.

  • Calluses and corns

While calluses often develop on the soles of the feet, corns can emerge on the tops, sides, and in between the toes. Walking on these affected areas can be difficult and uncomfortable. Wearing supportive footwear can ease pressure on your feet and avoid such conditions.

  • Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition in which the plantar fascia, a strong band of tissue that supports the arch of your foot, becomes inflamed or is torn. Again, supporting footwear can alleviate pain caused by plantar fasciitis.

  • Claw toe

Claw toes brush against shoes, causing calluses and corns to be frequently formed. Claw toes can be attributed to both tight shoes and nerves, which affects the foot muscles.

  • Fungal toenails

Nails might seem ugly and damaged due to toenail fungus. Other nails, such as fingernails, may also get affected. Fungal infections thrive in closed, damp and warm shoes.

Foot conditions can be debilitating. Depending on the exact ailment, podiatrists may utilize a variety of treatment options to address your condition and relieve you from discomfort. These options include surgery, using braces, orthotic devices and more.

Call the friendly My Chicago Foot Expert staff at (773) 561-8100 or click here to schedule an appointment with Cook County podiatrist  Stavros O. Alexopoulos, DPM in our modern, comfortable Ravenswood office today.

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