Heel Cracks Are Painful and Unsightly
Have you ever experienced an uncomfortable, unpleasant, unsightly heel crack? Also known as a fissure, a crack in the skin occurs when the skin becomes very dry. They are particularly likely to appear on the heel, where they can cause pain and make it difficult to stand, walk, run, or move through your day with ease.
A foot doctor like Cook County podiatrist Dr. Stavros O. Alexopoulos tends to see more heel cracks in the winter than in the warmer seasons. Why? Because the air is drier in the cool months. It robs the skin of its moisture. In fact, you might notice the skin all over your body has become drier and flakier than usual. Other risk factors include circulatory illness, diabetes, and other chronic ailments.
If you notice the skin on your feet feeling dry, take steps to intervene before a heel crack develops. Remove dead skin once a week with a gentle product made for exfoliation. Remove particularly challenging patches with a pumice stone. Do not use a razor or grater on your feet! It can cause infection. Apply moisturizer daily. These emollient lotions are most effective immediately after a bath or shower when your feet are damp. At that time, they can not only add moisture, but prevent moisture loss as well. Should a heel crack develop, apply petroleum jelly in the evening and sleep with cotton socks on your feet.
Are you concerned about heel cracks or anything else related to the health and wellness of your feet, ankles, or lower legs? The first step on the path to recovery is a visit with a board-certified podiatrist like Stavros O. Alexopoulos, DPM. With years of specialized training and experience, your foot doctor is an expert in diagnosing and treating all illnesses and injuries to this part of your body. Call (773) 561-8100 or click here to schedule a convenient appointment in My Chicago Foot Expert’s modern, comfortable Ravenswood office today.